Friday, February 10, 2017

Protest Calling for GarPax Firing Planned

Let me make clear off the bat that I'm not advocating, nor discouraging anyone from taking part in what's been planned.  This is merely to inform you that someone from the nether regions of the internet has decided enough is enough with the Bulls.  That person and the followers in support of the following idea want change, even if that means they have to make their voices heard.

On Thursday, a Reddit user with the handle graythematter proposed a mass protest calling for Jerry Reinsdorf to dismiss Gar Forman and John Paxson.  Chants of "Fire GarPax" would take place during the March 4 game against the Los Angeles Clippers set to be televised on ABC.  People responded and before long, more details and the above t-shirt design were unveiled.  As reported on the updates to this plan, a few websites have picked up on this.

On one hand, buying game tickets feeds into business, so Reinsdorf would probably just see as adding to the number of sellouts the Bulls have already had this season.  Heck, he might take this as a one-night thing that won't affect business for the rest of the season.  The flip side is a public relations nightmare for the organization on national TV if enough fans take part in this protest and they're loud enough.  The Bulls are not far removed from the 3 Alphas going to war with each other, so maybe another instance of the team making headlines for the wrong reasons will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

It's doubtful anything meaningful comes of this and some are even raising concerns about whether security will let in people wearing these shirts.  But if nobody's bringing anything already banned inside the United Center, they really shouldn't be able to tell these people they can't come in.  It would be censoring free speech.  If the President of the United States can take to Twitter to bash anybody who rubs him the wrong way, fans should be allowed to protest how their team is run.

Every Bulls fan should be rightfully disgruntled at how things have gone.  Until moves in the name of progress are made, those feelings will continue.  Maybe a large gathering during a game at least gets Reinsdorf to think about what's going on.  White Sox fans are already happy about his other team picking a direction, so there's no reason to think Bulls fans won't react well if he just makes it known that changes will be made to ensure a winner will come sooner rather than later.

Fans are done with personal loyalties.  They're done with hanging onto the past in hopes of that carrying over into the present.  Whether or not you think this protest is the right way to being vocal, know that you have the power to make a difference.  Not buying tickets, turning the United Center into a frenzy or whatever, the fans make up the soul of the team and if it's dirty, the brains behind it have to cleanse it.

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