Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bogans Can't Help Himself

Was the Chicago media ready to hear the lamenting of former Bull and current Net Keith Bogans prior to last night's game? I can't say I know the answer to that question, but regardless, Bogans let it be known that he's still not happy about being let go by the Bulls shortly after the team opened training camp. Frankly, I think his comments were better left unsaid because it gives me and local media members something to talk about and not necessarily pleasant things.

Bogans did start every game for the Bulls last season and there's no questioning that he was a vital part of their run to the best record in the NBA. But everyone, except him apparently, knew that there was serious need of an upgrade at the shooting guard position. I've made this opinion known already on here, but I never understood why he was in the starting lineup in the first place last season. There are certain intangibles he possessed that made him worthy in the eyes of Tom Thibodeau, but more often than not, those didn't show on the stats sheet whereas Ronnie Brewer and Kyle Korver usually did.

Also, did Bogans really think his playing time was going to be unaffected by the signing of Rip Hamilton? Even the average common NBA fan recognizes Hamilton as the starting two-guard of the 2004 world champion Detroit Pistons. Fewer know much about Bogans. That should give you an idea of the impact Hamilton has had on this league. He might not be a Hall of Famer, but there's no denying his value. He may be hurt right now, but come the postseason, us in the Windy City will realize how capable he is of performing in the clutch, something Bogans could never live up to. How often did you see him on the floor at the end of the Miami games in last year's playoffs? Yeah, I thought so.

Simply put, Bogans' days with the team were numbered as soon as Hamilton dotted the i's and crossed the t's on his contract. No need to act bitter about it. That's the NBA and that's professional sports. If you can't accept that, either get out or at least keep quiet about it.

The Bulls continue their road trip by feasting on the cupcakes of the New Orleans Hornets and Charlotte Bobcats the next two games. If you're a sucker for the types of games likely coming, you should be looking forward to them.

1 comment:

  1. I like Keith Bogans but that foul last night on Noah where he dragged him down to the floor says everything you need to know about him...Id much rather have RIP than Bogans tho for all the reasons u have stated and more..
