Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cautiously Optimistic

How happy should Bulls fans be right now?  After various speculation on the state of Derrick Rose from a lot of progress to none whatsoever, Dr. Brian Cole, who performed the surgery on Rose, said last year's MVP is in fact "ahead of schedule".  He recently had an appointment in Alabama with a therapist who works with famed surgeon Dr. James Andrews.

While it's encouraging to hear this news, I'm just hoping that there's no stretching of the truth involved here.  Given the seriousness of an ACL tear and the fact that everybody who follows basketball really wants Rose to have a speedy recovery, this type of hope is easy to dish out.  How many times in the past have we heard about athletes' recoveries from serious injuries and said athlete later had some sort of setback?  I won't name specific examples, but I've learned in my time following sports that you have to be skeptical sometimes when dealing with stories about sensitive subjects. 

Bulls fans are still smarting from the image they had to endure at the end of Game 1.  As much as I'd love to talk about how great it is that Rose is "ahead of schedule", one has to keep in mind that even if he suits up at some point next season, he's not going to be the same player until at least the season after.  Basketball, and sports in general, really, is as much mental as it is physical.  When he starts driving to the hoop at times, don't think what happened won't be in the back of his mind.  Heck, it might even be in the forefront.  We all know he wants to come back quickly, but it'll likely take a whole offseason to shed whatever issues he feels is burning inside him from this devastating blow.

Also, remember that his girlfriend is expecting, so entering fatherhood in his early '20s will be be yet another challenge he'll have to face.  You need to provide for your newborn while simultaneously trying to return to work.  That's a life situation, not a basketball one.  Still, he's shown his maturity, so I have every confidence he'll manage.

It's going to be an interesting ride for Rose.  He must continue his rehab if the Bulls are to contend for a title again in the near future.  We might find out more about what the team in general has to do if Miami clinches the title tonight, but that's for another post.  Saddle up, Bulls fans.  This'll be quite a roller coaster for No. 1.

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